11 January 2023

web design intern diaries:
working at digibees

In November 2022 I saw a Facebook post about an  internship position with Paola Minekov. 

I jumped right in even if I had no previous experience working in web design.

At the moment we are focusing on working with small creative businesses and individuals, creating portfolios and business websites.


It has been a really interesting journey, learning a new platform - WebWave, which we work with to create websites. But also, I am learning and navigating how to best present a business, or a person through their website so it catches the eye of the viewer and the potential customer, and engages them with it.


The first website I worked on was for Raluca Yoga(link). She already had an existing website, but was not happy with the management of it, so we moved her website to our platform.

It was a good starting point for me, as I got the chance to learn the Webwave platform through something that already existed. It was easier, as I could focus on the technicalities of the tasks. You have to be aware of all versions of a website - mobile, tablet as well as desktop. 


In the end she was really happy with the result, as we created a website that encapsulates her practice as a yoga instructor, and also makes it super easy for her clients to book appointments.

During this process, I learnt to pay attention to small details more and understand my role as a designer is not just to put everything together, but do it in a way, which is going to elevate the person/business and make them competitive online. Furthermore, it really showed me the importance of the relationship between our clients and us beyond us handing in their website. Our work doesn’t stop there and we are open to any questions, advice or help we can give so you can navigate your website to its fullest potential.


After that, we moved on to other projects for artists - the poet Claire - Louise Price (link) and painter Anna Mariya (link). The focus was really to highlight their art.

Sometimes as intriguing as it can be to add many colors,graphics and icons, you have to learn first hand the saying: “Less is more”.


It has been a bigger challenge for me to create cleaner designs, as I am naturally a bit messier and I like maximalist designs. But I feel like I am getting there and really getting a hold of things. Overall, we created two clean, modern designs for their websites, which now showcase their work and can be easily reached by millions of people.

In January, as I was getting more and more confident with WebWave, I even had the chance to create my own portfolio for my work as an illustrator. That was a whole journey on its own, so you can find the article for it here(link).


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